I signed up for Delicious, and right now don't have many book marks, but I am sure I will come across things that I will want to hold on to. I like the idea that there will be a way to access my favorite sites no matter where I am, because there have been times when I wanted to look something up but discovered I was on the wrong computer and did not have it bookmarked and of course it was one of those long drawn out addresses that I could never in a million years commit to memory...
On another note, I just need to get out my frustration at having to discard a perfectly good book because of what one patron did to it. I work in a community where one sect of the population sometimes feels the need to censor certain parts of out books before letting their children read them. Typically they will cover it with painter's tape, which we can peel off the book once it is returned and does not harm the book. Well yesterday, as I did my weeding of the 599's, I came across a book about chimps, and a picture was covered. However instead of painter's tape, the picture had a piece of paper glued over it. I managed to get the paper off without harming the book, however there was still a strip of glue, I got most off, but then when the book was closed the pages stuck together, nearly tearing the page every time the book was opened again. This book was in wonderful shape otherwise, and yes there was another copy in out collection and several in the system, however it feel like I am throwing away money by having to discard this book.
OK, rant done, time to move on...
Wow, that totally stinks, and not really something we deal with in our branch. Is this happening that often? Is there anything that can be done?